Top 10 Freelance Skills In Demand For Beginners 2023

top 10 freelance skills in demand

Want to know about the top 10 freelance skills in demand on freelancing websites in 2023? You are in the right place. In this blog post, we’ll cover the best freelancing skills for beginners to make money through freelancing.

Freelancing has become a popular career choice because it allows individuals to work from anywhere and earn a good income online. With the rise of the digital economy, the demand for freelancers with specific skills has increased.

Artificial intelligence also adds new skills to the market. So, if you want to succeed in your freelancing career, you need to learn and adapt to new skills.

According to Upwork and the Freelancers Union, 59 million Americans freelanced in 2020, accounting for 36% of the workforce. This trend is not unique to the United States, as the number of freelancers is growing worldwide.

Freelancing also boomed in Pakistan. In FY2021, Pakistani exports of information technology grew by 47.4 percent to cross the $2 billion mark for the first time in the country’s history.

According to the report, Pakistan ranks 4th in the world with more than 1 million freelancers, and these numbers are increasing day by day.

In 2022, freelancers will earn $400 million in Pakistan. Now let’s talk about some of the major benefits of freelancing.

Benefits OF Freelancing In Pakistan:

Before exploring the top 10 freelance skills in demand for beginners, let’s discuss the benefits of freelancing.

  1. Freelancing gives you flexible work hours to work whenever you want.
  2. As a freelancer, you have full control to choose the projects you like to work on.
  3. Working remotely as a freelancer allows you to work from anywhere, avoiding the limitations of a traditional office.
  4. As a freelancer, you have a greater chance of earning more than as an employee.
  5. Freelancing opens up new opportunities for personal and professional growth, allowing you to explore new opportunities.

Top 10 Freelance Skills in Demand For Beginners 2023:

When it comes to the top 10 freelance skills in demand, there are many freelancing skills for beginners to quickly start freelancing and make money online but here we’ll bring the best freelancing skills for beginners to make money online.

Let’s take a close look at the top 10 freelance skills in demand that will help you make money from freelancing in Pakistan.

  1. Digital Marketing/Social Media Marketing:

The demand for social media marketing and digital marketing services on freelancing sites has increased because of the rapid growth of digital businesses. It involves promoting products or services through social media, email, search engines, and other digital platforms.

As a social media marketing and digital marketing expert, you’ll create and execute marketing campaigns, manage social media accounts, and analyze results.

This field allows you to make money from your own blog, promote your own brand through digital media channels, or work for online businesses and startups.

Potential earnings:

The average freelance digital marketing expert’s salary is $69,311 per year.

The average freelance digital marketer charges $33 an hour.

  1. Social media management: 

Among the top 10 freelance skills in demand for beginners is social media management. It involves creating and managing content on social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and LinkedIn. The growth of online businesses and the popularity of social media platforms have made social media management a mandatory skill for businesses to engage with their audience and promote their brand.

Digital marketing is a high-demand freelance skill on freelancing sites in Pakistan, and you can earn good money as a digital marketer.

Potential earnings:

The average freelance social media manager’s salary is $52,815 /year.

The average freelance social media manager’s hourly rate is $25 /per hour.

  1. Web Development and Design: 

Web development and design involve creating and designing websites. The growth of online businesses tends to increase the demand for web design and development jobs because almost every business requires a website to promote its products or services.

These skills are in demand for projects on major freelancing websites in Pakistan. React Native and Angular JS are popular frameworks for creating mobile and web applications, while WordPress is a popular content management system for websites.

To make money online from web development, you need a strong portfolio that showcases your skills and increases your chance of winning projects.

Potential earnings:

The average salary of a freelance web developer is $65,003 per year.

The average hourly rate of a freelance web developer is $31/h.

  1. Content Writing

Content writing ranks among the list of top 10 freelance skills in demand for beginners. Every website needs content, and businesses are willing to pay for high-quality, engaging, and SEO-optimized content that can attract and retain customers.

As a content writer, you can specialize in different niches such as health, technology, fashion, finance, etc. You are also responsible for writing blogs, articles, social media posts, or email marketing campaigns.

You can make money as a content writer by working as a freelancer or writing content for your own website.

The best freelancing sites in Pakistan for content writers are Toptal, Fiverr, Text Broker, and Upwork.

Potential Earnings:

The average salary of a freelance content writer is $58,333 /Year.

The average hourly rate of a freelance web developer is $28 /hour.

  1. App Development:

One of the most popular top 10 freelance skills in demand for beginners is app development. The demand for mobile apps is increasing every day. Many businesses are realizing the importance of having a mobile presence to reach their customers.

As a result, freelance app developers are in high demand. Freelance app developers typically work on a project basis, building custom apps for businesses, startups, and individuals.

Popular freelance platforms for app developers include Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal.

Earning Potential: 

The average salary of a freelance app developer is $123,648 /year.

The average hourly rate of freelance app developers on Upwork is $18–$39/hr.

  1. Data Science:

Data science is the process of extracting insights and knowledge from data using various techniques and tools. The field of data science is growing as businesses want to make data-driven decisions to improve their operations.

You can work as a freelance data scientist on various projects, including data analysis, data modeling, and machine learning. Kaggle is a free website for data scientists to get data sets for their projects.

Moreover, data science is one of the most popular freelance skills for beginners on freelance platforms including Upwork, Freelancer, and Fiverr.

Earning Potential: 

The average salary of a freelance data scientist is $100,572 /year.

The average hourly rate of a freelance data scientist is $48 /hour.

  1. Cybersecurity:

Cybersecurity is used to protect computer systems and networks from digital attacks, theft, and damage.

The field of cybersecurity is growing rapidly as organizations want to protect themselves from various cyber threats, such as malware, ransomware, and phishing attacks.

If you want to make money as a cybersecurity professional, you must be an expert in ethical hacking or security analysis.

As thousands of projects are posted on freelancing websites such as Upwork, Freelancer, and Toptal every day, cybersecurity becomes one of the best freelancing skills for students.

Earning Potential:

The average salary of a freelance cybersecurity professional is $93,519 /year.

The average hourly rate of a freelance data scientist is $45 /hour.

  1. Graphic Designing

Graphic design is another popular skill that is highly in demand in the freelancing market. Due to the growth of social media, businesses are hiring graphic designers to create eye-catching visuals that can convey their brand message effectively.

As a graphic designer, you can specialize in logo design, web design, social media graphics, or print media design. You can use tools such as Adobe Photoshop, Illustrator, or Canva to create stunning visuals. The popular AI tool Midjourney will also help you make realistic designs.

Potential Earnings:

On average, freelance graphic designers make $66,089 /year.

The hourly rate for freelance graphic designers on Upwork is $15–$35/hr.

  1. Video Animations:

Video animation and creation is the process of creating animated videos for businesses. Video animators can help businesses create promotional videos, explainer videos, and other video content that helps them reach their target audiences.

Due to the popularity of video content, video editing, and animation are the best freelancing skills for students on freelancing websites including Fiverr, Upwork, and WorkChest.

Video animation and creation include knowledge of animation software like Adobe After Effects and knowledge of storytelling and editing.

Potential Earnings:

According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for a video animator is $68,637 /year.

On average, the hourly rate of a freelance video editor is $33 /hour.

  1. SEO (search engine optimization):

Another growing freelancing skill in the Digital Marketing Industry is SEO. It is the technique of increasing the quantity and quality of traffic to a website through organic search engine results. Due to the growth of online businesses, there is a huge demand for SEO experts on freelancing sites in Pakistan, including Fiverr, Upwork, SEOclerk, etc.

Freelancer SEO experts can help businesses optimize their websites to rank higher on search engines like Google and increase web traffic. To make money as an SEO expert, you must be an expert in keyword research, on-page optimization, link building, and analytics.

Potential Earnings:

According to ZipRecruiter, the average salary for an SEO specialist is $132,138 /year in 2023.

On average, freelance SEO professionals charge $15–$35/hr On Upwork.

Conclusion – Top 10 freelance skills In Demand:

The freelance market is booming, and professionals with the right skills have the best opportunities to succeed. If you want to start freelancing in Pakistan or enhance your career, it’s important to understand the top 10 freelance skills in demand.

By staying updated and adapting to the ever-changing needs of the industry, you can make yourself a valuable asset in the competitive freelance market. These freelancing courses in Pakistan make you a good freelancer.

Which skill is best for freelancing in Pakistan?

In this article, we will explore the top 10 freelance skills in demand on freelancing websites that will help you to make money as a freelancer. Here are some best freelancing skills for students.
1. Graphic Design
2. App Development
3. Web Development
4. Digital Marketing/Social Media Marketing
5. CyberSecurity

How do I start freelancing with no experience for beginners?

Freelancing is the best online job without investment. If you want to know how to start freelancing in Pakistan, here are some steps you must consider:
1. Identify your skills
2. Build a portfolio
3. Utilize freelance platforms
4. Network and seek referrals
5. Offer competitive pricing

How to learn freelancing at home in Pakistan?

After learning from the top 10 freelance skills in demand, the Hisham Sarwar freelancing course is the best freelancing course for beginners to learn freelancing and earn money online.